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Big Bang Theory as Explained in the Bible

Big Bang Theory as Explained in the Bible

The Big Bang Theory has never been matched by any other scientific theory about how everything began. While the theory itself has been modified several times due to new scientific findings, two ideas remain constant: first, that the entire universe came from a single mass of energy that continuously expanded until it formed different galaxies, planets, and stars; second, that the universe is continually expanding everyday.

This article will focus on these concepts and how it corroborates the Biblical account of creation.
The Concept of Singularity
The Big Bang theory stipulates that around 13.8 billion years ago, the universe started out as a small mass with high density which expanded, and the collision and fusion of several substances paved the way for the creation of the galaxies, planets and stars. While this timeline does not provide an exact match for the biblical account of God’s creation in just six days, the Hebrew word used for creation is “bara,” which means to bring to existence something that has never existed before. Big Bang has not been able to deal with how that single dense mass that expanded to become the universe, came into existence. This can only mean that an eternal being, such as God, who exists outside our concept of space and time, is responsible for creating the dense mass that expanded. While the Big Bang theory provides an explanation for how everything came to being after the Big Bang, it still doesn’t explain how the big bang came about – someone had to push the button.

The Concept of an Expanding Universe
According to the Big Bang theory, there are two phases of expansion: the rapid expansion which lead to the universe as we know it today and a continuous but slower expansion as evidenced by the constantly changing distances between different entities. Both types of this expanding or stretching are revealed in Isaiah, which states,

“It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, who stretches (Hebrew: natah) out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads (Hebrew: mathah) them out like a tent to dwell in.” (40:22) In the original Hebrew text, both the verbs “mathah” (meaning the action has been done) and “natah” (meaning the action is still being done in the present) were used to denote both an ongoing and a completed action.

There are still some aspects of the Big Bang Theory that do not fit with biblical truth. For instance, the world’s end and the establishment of an eternal kingdom as prophesied in Revelations is contradictory to the “Heat Death” which is how the Big Bang is assumed to end. However, we have seen God’s hand on how He enlightened scientists at the perfect time so that portions of the theory can be corrected or supported by more evidence.

As Christians, it is important that we do not let go of our biblical foundations especially regarding Creation. Even before we had the tools and the technology to observe the stars, the planets, and the entire universe, God has equipped us with the truth through His Word. As new scientific evidences come up, it means that God is revealing more of His knowledge to us and He wants to equip us with more evidence so we can be witnesses to His unmatched power and glory. Just another fantastic reason why we should celebrate Creation Day!

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